
You can call me Lu, I am 29, a New Yorker and I love life. I live by the ocean along with my husband, our pooch, and lupus. I do not love lupus.

When I was sixteen I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an auto-immune disease. Since my diagnosis there have been ups and downs in my health. I denied the existence of the disease for a long time, refusing to fully acknowledge that I needed to be responsible for my health.

How can it be that I have lupus? I look healthy. They must have it all wrong.

“They”did not have it wrong and since 2004 I have been figuring out life through trial and error. In May of 2013 I decided to claim responsibility for my health after a flare. It was then that I began blogging with the intent to share my journey to become a stronger version of my weaker self. Both physically and mentally. I am not perfect, but I want to help create a realistic understanding for a disease without a clear face. Part of this quest is answering the questions people want to know but are too afraid to ask directly, like:

Is lupus contagious? No.

Are you going to die? Yes. And you will too one day!

So here we are – On a journey. I am full of opinions, dark humor (see above), and have a propensity to share both.

Thanks for stopping by 🙂


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